PJ Library wants families to get together this year to do something Jewish. Get inspired by the shamash, the centre candle on the menorah, or the “helper candle” as young children sometimes call it, to host a tzedakah night with family and friends.
And for TONNES of other Chanukah activities, how-tos, music, and more, flip to page 27 in your new PJ Library guide A Time to Hope.
Light the candles
How to Light the Chanukah Candles
Candle Lighting Printable
Try one of these easy tzedakah projects with your guests
- Pick a service project to work on as a group and plan it out
- Assemble “share the light” goodie bags to give to the children’s ward of a local hospital
- Pack up everyone’s donations for delivery to your local food bank
- Craft cards and write letters of support to first responders, residents of long-term care facilities, or faraway friends who need a little love
- Upcycle old fabric into toys for shelter pets
Community Project Ideas for Children Under 5
A Mitzvah a Day Tradition for Chanukah
Printable: A Mitzvah a Day
What is tzedakah?
December 1, 2024