How To Help Your Kids Find Books They’ll Love

Family Reading

How can parents encourage children to read when there are so many other things kids enjoy doing, most of which involve a screen of some sort? I believe the key for any age is about finding the ‘right book’ and discovering the feeling of not being able to put a book down. They may then get into a whole series or genre – and the habit of reading becomes established.

Finding that right book takes time. Paths to discovery include going to a specialist bookshop, speaking to the class teacher or your child's peers, and reading online reviews.

What are the main factors to think about when choosing books for your child?

  1. Is the book appealing and eye-catching?
    Front cover bright, interesting illustrations? The length of words and sentences and the vocabulary give a good guide to the level of difficulty. If you are expecting your child to read the book on their own, it needs to be pitched at the right level.
  2. Is the story worth telling? 
    Does it read well aloud? Is it entertaining or challenging? Imaginative and exciting? Is there humour or suspense? Can you make out a clear sequence?
  3. Is the language appropriate, natural and meaningful?
    Does it encourage prediction and anticipation? Richness in expression and imaginative use of words?  Rhythm, rhyme & repetition help young children to predict the text.
  4. Is the subject appropriate to the child in terms of age and maturity?
    Books should be linked to a child’s own interests and experience.
  5. The ‘look of a book’ is important - psychological and social factors.
    If it seems too difficult or too easy, your child may not want to try.
  6. Are the characters convincing?
    Can children identify with them? Dialogue between characters should be clear and understandable and capture the rhythms of real speech.
  7. Is the print clear, well-spaced and appropriately sized?
    Print can be small as long as words are clearly separate. A few sentences on each page are less daunting. Explore different styles - comic strip, puzzle-solving, variety of typefaces.
  8. Does the story give opportunities for further discussion?
  9. Does your child have a favourite author, series or genre of books?
    Teach children how to make their own choices. Respect their opinion and taste.
  10. Encourage re-reading of familiar books.
    Children need the experience of effortlessly breezing through books. Easy and absorbing books treat the child as a reading expert.
Rechel Vecht

By Rachel Vecht – Founder of Educating Matters who provide seminars, webinars, courses and one-to-one consultations for parents/carers in the workplace, schools, homes and remotely.  Covering a wide range of education and parenting related topics.

'Parents are a child's first and most important teacher'