7 Picture Books To Read For Yom Ha'azmaut

laughing child against backdrop of Israeli flag

Yom Ha'atzmaut, or Israel Independence Day commemorates the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948. In Israel, Jewish people celebrate the day with fireworks, barbecues, and public concerts. Outside Israel, Jewish communities host parties and gatherings to celebrate. Often, the focus of these events is on Israeli culture, everything from classic Israeli foods -- hummus, falafel, schnitzel, and shawarma -- to Israeli dance, Israeli music. People wear blue and white and wave Israeli flags. You can celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut too by learning about Israel with the books below.

The books listed below focus specifically on Yom Ha’atzmaut. To see all PJ Library selections about Israel, click here.

Books About Yom Ha'atzmaut

Engineer Arielle and the Israel Independence Day Surprise by Deborah Bodin Cohen

Recommended for ages 4 to 5

Engineer Ari’s great-great-granddaughter, Arielle, drives a lightrail train through Jerusalem. Readers follow her along her stops on a very festive day -- Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day!

It's Israel's Birthday! by Ellen Dietrick

Recommended for ages 2 to 3

Preschoolers take a pretend trip to Israel to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). After taking an imaginary plane ride, the children pick oranges from a kibbutz orchard and visit a Western Wall made of blocks. The youngsters also explore the desert, swim in the Dead Sea, and join a parade.

Meg Goldberg on Parade by Andria Rosenbaum

Recommended for ages 5 to 6

Israeli Independence Day is a holiday in Israel -- but many people around the world celebrate it, and New York City throws a parade, too. Lucky for Meg -- she adores a parade!

Shmulik Paints the Town by Lisa Rose

Recommended for ages 5 to 6

Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, is here -- and the mayor wants Shmulik to paint a mural to celebrate. But what should Shmulik paint?

Books Set In Israel

And Shira Imagined by Giori Carmi 

Recommended for ages 7 to 8

The history of the ancient land comes to life when a young girl and her family tour Israel. 

A Concert in the Sand by Tami Shem-Tov & Rachella Sandbank 

Recommended for ages 6 to 7

Walking along the beach in Tel Aviv, what does this grandmother and her grandson come across? A world-class orchestra performance, that’s what. Based on the true story of the birth of the Israeli Philharmonic, this story is also a metaphor for the grit and vision that brought the State of Israel into being. 

Sammy Spider's First Trip to Israel by Sylvia Rouss

Recommended for ages 3 to 5

As a stowaway on a little boy’s model airplane, Sammy Spider joins the family's sightseeing trip in Israel and uses his five senses to experience the country. 


Find more books to help your family learn about and explore Israel:
Children’s Books, Videos, and More That Can Make Your Family Feel Instantly Closer to Israel, Wherever You Are in the World
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