Why We Chose This Book: Latke, the Lucky Dog

Latke, The Lucky Dog

Golden-brown rescue dog Latke is adopted on the first night of Chanukah by Zach, Zoe and their parents. The adorable pup captures the attention of three-and four-year-olds from the very first page, making eye contact with young readers as he begins to narrate his story.

Latke knows he is lucky to have found a home, but he doesn’t always know how to act appropriately in a family setting: he eats the sufganiyot (doughnuts), chews the Chanukah candles, tears the wrapping paper off the presents and drools all over the gelt (chocolate coins).  At first Zach and Zoe make allowances for their new pet, but soon the novelty begins to wear off and Latke worries that he will be sent away. Luckily, just in time for the end of the holiday, he figures out how to be a true member of the family. Latke really is a lucky dog.

The symbols and traditions of Chanukah are present (pardon the pun!) in this lovely story, and along with its Chanukah focus it has themes including acceptance, forgiveness and responsibility, learning how to fit in and gratitude. With much to learn and think about, colourful childlike illustrations and a super-cute dog, who could ask for more?