Why We Chose This Book: Shimri’s Big Idea

The people of ancient Jerusalem walk a long way to get their water from a spring. It’s a hard job, and Shimri wants to help out, but he’s too small. One day, the king decides to build a tunnel to make the water more accessible. Shimri heeds his grandmother’s advice -- to watch, listen and learn -- and before the king can consult his wise men, the young boy finds a solution to the problem.

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Why We Chose: The Best Four Questions

Last year, Marcy’s older brother asked the Four Questions at the Passover seder. This year it’s Marcy’s turn, but instead of asking the questions in the Haggadah, she comes up with some questions of her own. The result is a clever blend of humour and information, along with some great messages for five- and six-year-olds.

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