All good things must come to an end, and Shabbat is no exception. But don’t worry — it’ll be back next week. The end of this special day is marked by a simple Saturday-night ceremony called havdalah (“separation” in Hebrew). Three elements make this ceremony a beautiful experience for the senses. A cup of wine or grape juice is filled to the brim, slightly overflowing to represent the abundance of blessings we hope for in the coming week. Sweet smelling spices help to chase away feelings of sadness over the departure of Shabbat. A braided multi-wick candle is another cheerful sight; we thank God for the gift of fire on this first night of the new week. Shavua tov — have a good week!
This Activity Works With These Books:
Empty mint tin
Sweet-smelling spices, such as cinnamon sticks or whole cloves

- Use stickers to decorate the outside of your tin any way you like.
- Fill the tin with the spices you’ve chosen. If desired, you can poke holes in the lid of the tin to let the sweet smells waft out, but opening the lid works just fine, too.
- Enjoy the beautiful aroma of the moment, and look forward to next Shabbat!
Visit the PJ Library Havdalah Page
March 26, 2019