Celebrating Completion on Simchat Torah

Seeing things through to completion brings about good feelings. Finishing something makes us feel satisfied, accomplished, or even joyous, and sharing these feelings with others can elevate them further. How does your family celebrate or acknowledge completion?

Children complete feats all the time. They learn their ABCs, clean their rooms, and move up to a new school year every September. Families mark completion of these accomplishments in different ways. Whether your family gives a high-five or chooses to mark the event, acknowledging and celebrating completion is an important part of the finishing process.

Here are seven ideas, inspired by parenting expert Wayne Parker, of ways to celebrate your children’s special events and communicate your congratulations to a child who does something really remarkable.

  • Make their favourite meal and serve on special crockery
  • Go out for dinner
  • Make a video and share with family
  • Decorate their bedroom
  • Frame the memories
  • Spend a day doing a fun activity
  • Plant a tree

Hopefully, these ideas will spur on a few of your own. What is important is the celebration; less important is what you do. Tailor the acknowledgment to the child and to the achievement, and whatever you do will be just right. Celebrating milestones and achievements will build a permanent positive memory as your family celebrates the accomplishment of one of your members.